- class pyqtgraph.UIGraphicsItem(
- bounds=None,
- parent=None,
Base class for graphics items with boundaries relative to a GraphicsView or ViewBox. The purpose of this class is to allow the creation of GraphicsItems which live inside a scalable view, but whose boundaries will always stay fixed relative to the view’s boundaries. For example: GridItem, InfiniteLine
The view can be specified on initialization or it can be automatically detected when the item is painted.
NOTE: Only the item’s boundingRect is affected; the item is not transformed in any way. Use viewRangeChanged to respond to changes in the view.
- __init__(
- bounds=None,
- parent=None,
QRectF with coordinates relative to view box. The default is QRectF(0,0,1,1), which means the item will have the same bounds as the view.