
class pyqtgraph.ColorBarItem(values=None, width=25, colorMap=None, label=None, interactive=True, limits=None, rounding=1, orientation='vertical', pen='w', hoverPen='r', hoverBrush='#FF000080', *, colorMapMenu=True)[source]#

Bases: PlotItem

ColorBarItem controls the application of a color map to one (or more) ImageItem. It is a simpler, compact alternative to HistogramLUTItem, without histogram or the option to adjust the colors of the look-up table.

A labeled axis is displayed directly next to the gradient to help identify values. Handles included in the color bar allow for interactive adjustment.

A ColorBarItem can be assigned one or more ImageItem s that will be displayed according to the selected color map and levels. The ColorBarItem can be used as a separate element in a GraphicsLayout or added to the layout of a PlotItem used to display image data with coordinate axes.



Emitted when the range sliders are moved


Emitted when the range sliders are released

__init__(values=None, width=25, colorMap=None, label=None, interactive=True, limits=None, rounding=1, orientation='vertical', pen='w', hoverPen='r', hoverBrush='#FF000080', *, colorMapMenu=True)[source]#

Creates a new ColorBarItem.

  • colorMap (str or ColorMap) – Determines the color map displayed and applied to assigned ImageItem(s).

  • values (tuple of float, optional) – The range of values that will be represented by the color bar, as (min, max). If no values are supplied, the default is to use user-specified values from an assigned image. If that does not exist, values will default to (0,1).

  • width (float, default 25.0) – The width of the displayed color bar.

  • label (str, optional) – Label applied to the color bar axis.

  • interactive (bool, default True) – If True, handles are displayed to interactively adjust the level range.

  • limits (:class:tuple` of :class:`float, optional) – Limits the adjustment range to (low, high), None disables the limit.

  • rounding (float, default 1) – Adjusted range values are rounded to multiples of this value.

  • orientation (str, default 'vertical') – ‘horizontal’ or ‘h’ gives a horizontal color bar instead of the default vertical bar

  • pen (QPen or pyqtgraph.mkColor()) – Sets the color of adjustment handles in interactive mode.

  • hoverPen (QPen or pyqtgraph.mkColor()) – Sets the color of adjustment handles when hovered over.

  • hoverBrush (QBrush or pyqtgraph.mkColor()) – Sets the color of movable center region when hovered over.

  • colorMapMenu (bool or ColorMapMenu, default True) – Determines whether colormap menu functionality is enabled.


Returns the assigned ColorMap object.


Returns the currently set levels as the tuple (low, high).


Sets a color map to determine the ColorBarItem’s look-up table. The same look-up table is applied to any assigned ImageItem.

colorMap can be a ColorMap or a string argument that is passed to colormap.get().

setImageItem(img, insert_in=None)[source]#

Assigns an item or list of items to be represented and controlled. Supported “image items”: class:~pyqtgraph.ImageItem, class:~pyqtgraph.PColorMeshItem

  • image (ImageItem or list of ImageItem) – Assigns one or more image items to this ColorBarItem. If a ColorMap is defined for ColorBarItem, this will be assigned to the ImageItems. Otherwise, the ColorBarItem will attempt to retrieve a color map from the image items. In interactive mode, ColorBarItem will control the levels of the assigned image items, simultaneously if there is more than one. If the ColorBarItem was initialized without a specified values parameter, it will attempt to retrieve a set of user-defined levels from one of the image items. If this fails, the default values of ColorBarItem will be used as the (min, max) levels of the colorbar. Note that, for non-interactive ColorBarItems, levels may be overridden by image items with auto-scaling colors (defined by enableAutoLevels). When using an interactive ColorBarItem in an animated plot, auto-scaling for its assigned image items should be manually disabled.

  • insert_in (PlotItem, optional) – If a PlotItem is given, the color bar is inserted on the right or bottom of the plot, depending on the specified orientation.

setLevels(values=None, low=None, high=None, update_items=True)[source]#

Sets the displayed range of image levels.

  • values (tuple of float) – Specifies levels as tuple (low, high). Either value can be None to leave the previous value unchanged. Takes precedence over low and high parameters.

  • low (float) – Applies a new low level to color bar and assigned images

  • high (float) – Applies a new high level to color bar and assigned images