
class pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout(parent=None, border=None)[source]

Used for laying out GraphicsWidgets in a grid. This is usually created automatically as part of a GraphicsLayoutWidget.

__init__(parent=None, border=None)[source]
addItem(item, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1)[source]

Add an item to the layout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified). The item must be an instance of a QGraphicsWidget subclass.

addLabel(text=' ', row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs)[source]

Create a LabelItem with text and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to LabelItem.__init__ Returns the created item.

To create a vertical label, use angle = -90.

addLayout(row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs)[source]

Create an empty GraphicsLayout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to GraphicsLayout.__init__ Returns the created item.

addPlot(row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs)[source]

Create a PlotItem and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to PlotItem.__init__ Returns the created item.

addViewBox(row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs)[source]

Create a ViewBox and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to ViewBox.__init__ Returns the created item.


Remove all items from the layout and set the current row and column to 0

getItem(row, col)[source]

Return the item in (row, col). If the cell is empty, return None.


Return the numerical index of GraphicsItem object passed in


item (QGraphicsLayoutItem) – Item to query the index position of


Index of the item within the graphics layout

Return type



ValueError – Raised if item could not be found inside the GraphicsLayout instance.

nextCol(*args, **kargs)[source]

Alias of nextColumn


Advance to next available column (generally only for internal use–called by addItem)


Advance to next row for automatic item placement


Remove item from the layout.

setBorder(*args, **kwds)[source]

Set the pen used to draw border between cells.

See mkPen for arguments.