
class pyqtgraph.TextItem(text='', color=(200, 200, 200), html=None, anchor=(0, 0), border=None, fill=None, angle=0, rotateAxis=None)[source]

GraphicsItem displaying unscaled text (the text will always appear normal even inside a scaled ViewBox).

__init__(text='', color=(200, 200, 200), html=None, anchor=(0, 0), border=None, fill=None, angle=0, rotateAxis=None)[source]



The text to display


The color of the text (any format accepted by pg.mkColor)


If specified, this overrides both text and color


A QPointF or (x,y) sequence indicating what region of the text box will be anchored to the item’s position. A value of (0,0) sets the upper-left corner of the text box to be at the position specified by setPos(), while a value of (1,1) sets the lower-right corner.


A pen to use when drawing the border


A brush to use when filling within the border


Angle in degrees to rotate text. Default is 0; text will be displayed upright.


If None, then a text angle of 0 always points along the +x axis of the scene. If a QPointF or (x,y) sequence is given, then it represents a vector direction in the parent’s coordinate system that the 0-degree line will be aligned to. This Allows text to follow both the position and orientation of its parent while still discarding any scale and shear factors.

The effects of the rotateAxis and angle arguments are added independently. So for example:

  • rotateAxis=None, angle=0 -> normal horizontal text

  • rotateAxis=None, angle=90 -> normal vertical text

  • rotateAxis=(1, 0), angle=0 -> text aligned with x axis of its parent

  • rotateAxis=(0, 1), angle=0 -> text aligned with y axis of its parent

  • rotateAxis=(1, 0), angle=90 -> text orthogonal to x axis of its parent


Set the angle of the text in degrees.

This sets the rotation angle of the text as a whole, measured counter-clockwise from the x axis of the parent. Note that this rotation angle does not depend on horizontal/vertical scaling of the parent.


Set the color for this text.

See QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.setDefaultTextColor().


Set the font for this text.

See QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem.setFont().


Set the HTML code to be rendered by this item.

See QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem.setHtml().


Set the plain text to be rendered by this item.

See QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem.setPlainText().

setText(text, color=None)[source]

Set the text of this item.

This method sets the plain text of the item; see also setHtml().


Set the width of the text.

If the text requires more space than the width limit, then it will be wrapped into multiple lines.

See QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem.setTextWidth().