Source code for pyqtgraph.opengl.items.GLGraphItem

from OpenGL.GL import *  # noqa
import numpy as np
from ... import functions as fn
from ...Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from ..GLGraphicsItem import GLGraphicsItem
from .GLScatterPlotItem import GLScatterPlotItem

__all__ = ['GLGraphItem']

[docs]class GLGraphItem(GLGraphicsItem): """A GLGraphItem displays graph information as a set of nodes connected by lines (as in 'graph theory', not 'graphics'). Useful for drawing networks, trees, etc. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): GLGraphicsItem.__init__(self) self.edges = None self.edgeColor = QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.white) self.edgeWidth = 1.0 self.scatter = GLScatterPlotItem() self.scatter.setParentItem(self) self.setData(**kwds)
[docs] def setData(self, **kwds): """ Change the data displayed by the graph. Parameters ---------- edges : np.ndarray 2D array of shape (M, 2) of connection data, each row contains indexes of two nodes that are connected. Dtype must be integer or unsigned. edgeColor: QColor, array-like, optional. The color to draw edges. Accepts the same arguments as :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkColor()`. If None, no edges will be drawn. Default is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5). edgeWidth: float, optional. Value specifying edge width. Default is 1.0 nodePositions : np.ndarray 2D array of shape (N, 3), where each row represents the x, y, z coordinates for each node nodeColor : np.ndarray, QColor, str or array like 2D array of shape (N, 4) of dtype float32, where each row represents the R, G, B, A vakues in range of 0-1, or for the same color for all nodes, provide either QColor type or input for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkColor()` nodeSize : np.ndarray, float or int Either 2D numpy array of shape (N, 1) where each row represents the size of each node, or if a scalar, apply the same size to all nodes **kwds All other keyword arguments are given to :meth:`GLScatterPlotItem.setData() <pyqtgraph.opengl.GLScatterPlotItem.setData>` to affect the appearance of nodes (pos, color, size, pxMode, etc.) Raises ------ TypeError When dtype of edges dtype is not unisnged or integer dtype """ if 'edges' in kwds: self.edges = kwds.pop('edges') if self.edges.dtype.kind not in 'iu': raise TypeError("edges array must have int or unsigned dtype.") if 'edgeColor' in kwds: edgeColor = kwds.pop('edgeColor') self.edgeColor = fn.mkColor(edgeColor) if edgeColor is not None else None if 'edgeWidth' in kwds: self.edgeWidth = kwds.pop('edgeWidth') if 'nodePositions' in kwds: kwds['pos'] = kwds.pop('nodePositions') if 'nodeColor' in kwds: kwds['color'] = kwds.pop('nodeColor') if 'nodeSize' in kwds: kwds['size'] = kwds.pop('nodeSize') self.scatter.setData(**kwds) self.update()
def initializeGL(self): self.scatter.initializeGL() def paint(self): if self.scatter.pos is None \ or self.edges is None \ or self.edgeColor is None: return None verts = self.scatter.pos edges = self.edges.astype(np.uint32).flatten() glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) try: glColor4f(*self.edgeColor.getRgbF()) glLineWidth(self.edgeWidth) glVertexPointerf(verts) glDrawElements(GL_LINES, edges.shape[0], GL_UNSIGNED_INT, edges) finally: glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) return None