Source code for pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents

from ..Point import Point
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import weakref
from .. import ptime as ptime

[docs]class MouseDragEvent(object): """ Instances of this class are delivered to items in a :class:`GraphicsScene <pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene>` via their mouseDragEvent() method when the item is being mouse-dragged. """ def __init__(self, moveEvent, pressEvent, lastEvent, start=False, finish=False): self.start = start self.finish = finish self.accepted = False self.currentItem = None self._buttonDownScenePos = {} self._buttonDownScreenPos = {} for btn in [QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton]: self._buttonDownScenePos[btn] = moveEvent.buttonDownScenePos(btn) self._buttonDownScreenPos[btn] = moveEvent.buttonDownScreenPos(btn) self._scenePos = moveEvent.scenePos() self._screenPos = moveEvent.screenPos() if lastEvent is None: self._lastScenePos = pressEvent.scenePos() self._lastScreenPos = pressEvent.screenPos() else: self._lastScenePos = lastEvent.scenePos() self._lastScreenPos = lastEvent.screenPos() self._buttons = moveEvent.buttons() self._button = pressEvent.button() self._modifiers = moveEvent.modifiers() self.acceptedItem = None
[docs] def accept(self): """An item should call this method if it can handle the event. This will prevent the event being delivered to any other items.""" self.accepted = True self.acceptedItem = self.currentItem
[docs] def ignore(self): """An item should call this method if it cannot handle the event. This will allow the event to be delivered to other items.""" self.accepted = False
def isAccepted(self): return self.accepted
[docs] def scenePos(self): """Return the current scene position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._scenePos)
[docs] def screenPos(self): """Return the current screen position (pixels relative to widget) of the mouse.""" return Point(self._screenPos)
[docs] def buttonDownScenePos(self, btn=None): """ Return the scene position of the mouse at the time *btn* was pressed. If *btn* is omitted, then the button that initiated the drag is assumed. """ if btn is None: btn = self.button() return Point(self._buttonDownScenePos[btn])
[docs] def buttonDownScreenPos(self, btn=None): """ Return the screen position (pixels relative to widget) of the mouse at the time *btn* was pressed. If *btn* is omitted, then the button that initiated the drag is assumed. """ if btn is None: btn = self.button() return Point(self._buttonDownScreenPos[btn])
[docs] def lastScenePos(self): """ Return the scene position of the mouse immediately prior to this event. """ return Point(self._lastScenePos)
[docs] def lastScreenPos(self): """ Return the screen position of the mouse immediately prior to this event. """ return Point(self._lastScreenPos)
[docs] def buttons(self): """ Return the buttons currently pressed on the mouse. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::buttons in the Qt documentation) """ return self._buttons
[docs] def button(self): """Return the button that initiated the drag (may be different from the buttons currently pressed) (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::button in the Qt documentation) """ return self._button
[docs] def pos(self): """ Return the current position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
[docs] def lastPos(self): """ Return the previous position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
[docs] def buttonDownPos(self, btn=None): """ Return the position of the mouse at the time the drag was initiated in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ if btn is None: btn = self.button() return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._buttonDownScenePos[btn]))
[docs] def isStart(self): """Returns True if this event is the first since a drag was initiated.""" return self.start
[docs] def isFinish(self): """Returns False if this is the last event in a drag. Note that this event will have the same position as the previous one.""" return self.finish
def __repr__(self): if self.currentItem is None: lp = self._lastScenePos p = self._scenePos else: lp = self.lastPos() p = self.pos() return "<MouseDragEvent (%g,%g)->(%g,%g) buttons=%s start=%s finish=%s>" % (lp.x(), lp.y(), p.x(), p.y(), str(self.buttons()), str(self.isStart()), str(self.isFinish()))
[docs] def modifiers(self): """Return any keyboard modifiers currently pressed. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::modifiers in the Qt documentation) """ return self._modifiers
[docs]class MouseClickEvent(object): """ Instances of this class are delivered to items in a :class:`GraphicsScene <pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene>` via their mouseClickEvent() method when the item is clicked. """ def __init__(self, pressEvent, double=False): self.accepted = False self.currentItem = None self._double = double self._scenePos = pressEvent.scenePos() self._screenPos = pressEvent.screenPos() self._button = pressEvent.button() self._buttons = pressEvent.buttons() self._modifiers = pressEvent.modifiers() self._time = ptime.time() self.acceptedItem = None
[docs] def accept(self): """An item should call this method if it can handle the event. This will prevent the event being delivered to any other items.""" self.accepted = True self.acceptedItem = self.currentItem
[docs] def ignore(self): """An item should call this method if it cannot handle the event. This will allow the event to be delivered to other items.""" self.accepted = False
def isAccepted(self): return self.accepted
[docs] def scenePos(self): """Return the current scene position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._scenePos)
[docs] def screenPos(self): """Return the current screen position (pixels relative to widget) of the mouse.""" return Point(self._screenPos)
[docs] def buttons(self): """ Return the buttons currently pressed on the mouse. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::buttons in the Qt documentation) """ return self._buttons
[docs] def button(self): """Return the mouse button that generated the click event. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::button in the Qt documentation) """ return self._button
[docs] def double(self): """Return True if this is a double-click.""" return self._double
[docs] def pos(self): """ Return the current position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
[docs] def lastPos(self): """ Return the previous position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
[docs] def modifiers(self): """Return any keyboard modifiers currently pressed. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::modifiers in the Qt documentation) """ return self._modifiers
def __repr__(self): try: if self.currentItem is None: p = self._scenePos else: p = self.pos() return "<MouseClickEvent (%g,%g) button=%s>" % (p.x(), p.y(), str(self.button())) except: return "<MouseClickEvent button=%s>" % (str(self.button())) def time(self): return self._time
[docs]class HoverEvent(object): """ Instances of this class are delivered to items in a :class:`GraphicsScene <pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene>` via their hoverEvent() method when the mouse is hovering over the item. This event class both informs items that the mouse cursor is nearby and allows items to communicate with one another about whether each item will accept *potential* mouse events. It is common for multiple overlapping items to receive hover events and respond by changing their appearance. This can be misleading to the user since, in general, only one item will respond to mouse events. To avoid this, items make calls to event.acceptClicks(button) and/or acceptDrags(button). Each item may make multiple calls to acceptClicks/Drags, each time for a different button. If the method returns True, then the item is guaranteed to be the recipient of the claimed event IF the user presses the specified mouse button before moving. If claimEvent returns False, then this item is guaranteed NOT to get the specified event (because another has already claimed it) and the item should change its appearance accordingly. event.isEnter() returns True if the mouse has just entered the item's shape; event.isExit() returns True if the mouse has just left. """ def __init__(self, moveEvent, acceptable): self.enter = False self.acceptable = acceptable self.exit = False self.__clickItems = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.__dragItems = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.currentItem = None if moveEvent is not None: self._scenePos = moveEvent.scenePos() self._screenPos = moveEvent.screenPos() self._lastScenePos = moveEvent.lastScenePos() self._lastScreenPos = moveEvent.lastScreenPos() self._buttons = moveEvent.buttons() self._modifiers = moveEvent.modifiers() else: self.exit = True
[docs] def isEnter(self): """Returns True if the mouse has just entered the item's shape""" return self.enter
[docs] def isExit(self): """Returns True if the mouse has just exited the item's shape""" return self.exit
[docs] def acceptClicks(self, button): """Inform the scene that the item (that the event was delivered to) would accept a mouse click event if the user were to click before moving the mouse again. Returns True if the request is successful, otherwise returns False (indicating that some other item would receive an incoming click). """ if not self.acceptable: return False if button not in self.__clickItems: self.__clickItems[button] = self.currentItem return True return False
[docs] def acceptDrags(self, button): """Inform the scene that the item (that the event was delivered to) would accept a mouse drag event if the user were to drag before the next hover event. Returns True if the request is successful, otherwise returns False (indicating that some other item would receive an incoming drag event). """ if not self.acceptable: return False if button not in self.__dragItems: self.__dragItems[button] = self.currentItem return True return False
[docs] def scenePos(self): """Return the current scene position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._scenePos)
[docs] def screenPos(self): """Return the current screen position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._screenPos)
[docs] def lastScenePos(self): """Return the previous scene position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._lastScenePos)
[docs] def lastScreenPos(self): """Return the previous screen position of the mouse.""" return Point(self._lastScreenPos)
[docs] def buttons(self): """ Return the buttons currently pressed on the mouse. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::buttons in the Qt documentation) """ return self._buttons
[docs] def pos(self): """ Return the current position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._scenePos))
[docs] def lastPos(self): """ Return the previous position of the mouse in the coordinate system of the item that the event was delivered to. """ return Point(self.currentItem.mapFromScene(self._lastScenePos))
def __repr__(self): if self.exit: return "<HoverEvent exit=True>" if self.currentItem is None: lp = self._lastScenePos p = self._scenePos else: lp = self.lastPos() p = self.pos() return "<HoverEvent (%g,%g)->(%g,%g) buttons=%s enter=%s exit=%s>" % (lp.x(), lp.y(), p.x(), p.y(), str(self.buttons()), str(self.isEnter()), str(self.isExit()))
[docs] def modifiers(self): """Return any keyboard modifiers currently pressed. (see QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent::modifiers in the Qt documentation) """ return self._modifiers
def clickItems(self): return self.__clickItems def dragItems(self): return self.__dragItems