
class pyqtgraph.flowchart.Terminal(node, name, io, optional=False, multi=False, pos=None, renamable=False, removable=False, multiable=False, bypass=None)[source]
__init__(node, name, io, optional=False, multi=False, pos=None, renamable=False, removable=False, multiable=False, bypass=None)[source]

Construct a new terminal.

node the node to which this terminal belongs
name string, the name of the terminal
io ‘in’ or ‘out’
optional bool, whether the node may process without connection to this terminal
multi bool, for inputs: whether this terminal may make multiple connections for outputs: whether this terminal creates a different value for each connection
pos [x, y], the position of the terminal within its node’s boundaries
renamable (bool) Whether the terminal can be renamed by the user
removable (bool) Whether the terminal can be removed by the user
multiable (bool) Whether the user may toggle the multi option for this terminal
bypass (str) Name of the terminal from which this terminal’s value is derived when the Node is in bypass mode.

Called whenever this terminal has been connected to another. (note–this function is called on both terminals)


Return the list of nodes which receive input from this terminal.


Called whenever this terminal has been disconnected from another. (note–this function is called on both terminals)

inputChanged(term, process=True)[source]

Called whenever there is a change to the input value to this terminal. It may often be useful to override this function.


Return the terminal(s) that give input to this one.


Set whether this is a multi-value terminal.

setValue(val, process=True)[source]

If this is a single-value terminal, val should be a single value. If this is a multi-value terminal, val should be a dict of terminal:value pairs


Return the value this terminal provides for the connected terminal


Returns True->acceptable None->unknown False->Unacceptable