Source code for pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.TextItem

import numpy as np
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from ..Point import Point
from .. import functions as fn
from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject

[docs]class TextItem(GraphicsObject): """ GraphicsItem displaying unscaled text (the text will always appear normal even inside a scaled ViewBox). """
[docs] def __init__(self, text='', color=(200,200,200), html=None, anchor=(0,0), border=None, fill=None, angle=0, rotateAxis=None): """ ============== ================================================================================= **Arguments:** *text* The text to display *color* The color of the text (any format accepted by pg.mkColor) *html* If specified, this overrides both *text* and *color* *anchor* A QPointF or (x,y) sequence indicating what region of the text box will be anchored to the item's position. A value of (0,0) sets the upper-left corner of the text box to be at the position specified by setPos(), while a value of (1,1) sets the lower-right corner. *border* A pen to use when drawing the border *fill* A brush to use when filling within the border *angle* Angle in degrees to rotate text. Default is 0; text will be displayed upright. *rotateAxis* If None, then a text angle of 0 always points along the +x axis of the scene. If a QPointF or (x,y) sequence is given, then it represents a vector direction in the parent's coordinate system that the 0-degree line will be aligned to. This Allows text to follow both the position and orientation of its parent while still discarding any scale and shear factors. ============== ================================================================================= The effects of the `rotateAxis` and `angle` arguments are added independently. So for example: * rotateAxis=None, angle=0 -> normal horizontal text * rotateAxis=None, angle=90 -> normal vertical text * rotateAxis=(1, 0), angle=0 -> text aligned with x axis of its parent * rotateAxis=(0, 1), angle=0 -> text aligned with y axis of its parent * rotateAxis=(1, 0), angle=90 -> text orthogonal to x axis of its parent """ self.anchor = Point(anchor) self.rotateAxis = None if rotateAxis is None else Point(rotateAxis) #self.angle = 0 GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.textItem = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem() self.textItem.setParentItem(self) self._lastTransform = None self._lastScene = None self._bounds = QtCore.QRectF() if html is None: self.setColor(color) self.setText(text) else: self.setHtml(html) self.fill = fn.mkBrush(fill) self.border = fn.mkPen(border) self.setAngle(angle)
[docs] def setText(self, text, color=None): """ Set the text of this item. This method sets the plain text of the item; see also setHtml(). """ if color is not None: self.setColor(color) self.textItem.setPlainText(text) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setPlainText(self, *args): """ Set the plain text to be rendered by this item. See QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem.setPlainText(). """ self.textItem.setPlainText(*args) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setHtml(self, *args): """ Set the HTML code to be rendered by this item. See QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem.setHtml(). """ self.textItem.setHtml(*args) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setTextWidth(self, *args): """ Set the width of the text. If the text requires more space than the width limit, then it will be wrapped into multiple lines. See QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem.setTextWidth(). """ self.textItem.setTextWidth(*args) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setFont(self, *args): """ Set the font for this text. See QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem.setFont(). """ self.textItem.setFont(*args) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setAngle(self, angle): """ Set the angle of the text in degrees. This sets the rotation angle of the text as a whole, measured counter-clockwise from the x axis of the parent. Note that this rotation angle does not depend on horizontal/vertical scaling of the parent. """ self.angle = angle self.updateTransform(force=True)
def setAnchor(self, anchor): self.anchor = Point(anchor) self.updateTextPos()
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """ Set the color for this text. See QtGui.QGraphicsItem.setDefaultTextColor(). """ self.color = fn.mkColor(color) self.textItem.setDefaultTextColor(self.color)
def updateTextPos(self): # update text position to obey anchor r = self.textItem.boundingRect() tl = self.textItem.mapToParent(r.topLeft()) br = self.textItem.mapToParent(r.bottomRight()) offset = (br - tl) * self.anchor self.textItem.setPos(-offset) ### Needed to maintain font size when rendering to image with increased resolution #self.textItem.resetTransform() ##self.textItem.rotate(self.angle) #if self._exportOpts is not False and 'resolutionScale' in self._exportOpts: #s = self._exportOpts['resolutionScale'] #self.textItem.scale(s, s) def boundingRect(self): return self.textItem.mapToParent(self.textItem.boundingRect()).boundingRect() def viewTransformChanged(self): # called whenever view transform has changed. # Do this here to avoid double-updates when view changes. self.updateTransform() def paint(self, p, *args): # this is not ideal because it requires the transform to be updated at every draw. # ideally, we would have a sceneTransformChanged event to react to.. s = self.scene() ls = self._lastScene if s is not ls: if ls is not None: ls.sigPrepareForPaint.disconnect(self.updateTransform) self._lastScene = s if s is not None: s.sigPrepareForPaint.connect(self.updateTransform) self.updateTransform() p.setTransform(self.sceneTransform()) if != QtCore.Qt.NoPen or != QtCore.Qt.NoBrush: p.setPen(self.border) p.setBrush(self.fill) p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, True) p.drawPolygon(self.textItem.mapToParent(self.textItem.boundingRect())) def updateTransform(self, force=False): # update transform such that this item has the correct orientation # and scaling relative to the scene, but inherits its position from its # parent. # This is similar to setting ItemIgnoresTransformations = True, but # does not break mouse interaction and collision detection. p = self.parentItem() if p is None: pt = QtGui.QTransform() else: pt = p.sceneTransform() if not force and pt == self._lastTransform: return t = pt.inverted()[0] # reset translation t.setMatrix(t.m11(), t.m12(), t.m13(), t.m21(), t.m22(), t.m23(), 0, 0, t.m33()) # apply rotation angle = -self.angle if self.rotateAxis is not None: d = -, 0)) a = np.arctan2(d.y(), d.x()) * 180 / np.pi angle += a t.rotate(angle) self.setTransform(t) self._lastTransform = pt self.updateTextPos()