Source code for pyqtgraph.parametertree.ParameterTree

from .parameterTypes import GroupParameterItem
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui, mkQApp
from ..widgets.TreeWidget import TreeWidget
from .ParameterItem import ParameterItem

[docs] class ParameterTree(TreeWidget): """Widget used to display or control data from a hierarchy of Parameters"""
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, showHeader=True): """ ============== ======================================================== **Arguments:** parent (QWidget) An optional parent widget showHeader (bool) If True, then the QTreeView header is displayed. ============== ======================================================== """ TreeWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setVerticalScrollMode(self.ScrollMode.ScrollPerPixel) self.setHorizontalScrollMode(self.ScrollMode.ScrollPerPixel) self.setAnimated(False) self.setColumnCount(2) self.setHeaderLabels(["Parameter", "Value"]) self.paramSet = None self.header().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeMode.ResizeToContents) self.setHeaderHidden(not showHeader) self.itemChanged.connect(self.itemChangedEvent) self.itemExpanded.connect(self.itemExpandedEvent) self.itemCollapsed.connect(self.itemCollapsedEvent) self.lastSel = None self.setRootIsDecorated(False) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self._updatePalette(self.palette())
[docs] def setParameters(self, param, showTop=True): """ Set the top-level :class:`Parameter <pyqtgraph.parametertree.Parameter>` to be displayed in this ParameterTree. If *showTop* is False, then the top-level parameter is hidden and only its children will be visible. This is a convenience method equivalent to:: tree.clear() tree.addParameters(param, showTop) """ self.clear() self.addParameters(param, showTop=showTop)
[docs] def addParameters(self, param, root=None, depth=0, showTop=True): """ Adds one top-level :class:`Parameter <pyqtgraph.parametertree.Parameter>` to the view. ============== ========================================================== **Arguments:** param The :class:`Parameter <pyqtgraph.parametertree.Parameter>` to add. root The item within the tree to which *param* should be added. By default, *param* is added as a top-level item. showTop If False, then *param* will be hidden, and only its children will be visible in the tree. ============== ========================================================== """ item = param.makeTreeItem(depth=depth) if root is None: root = self.invisibleRootItem() ## Hide top-level item if not showTop: item.setText(0, '') item.setSizeHint(0, QtCore.QSize(1,1)) item.setSizeHint(1, QtCore.QSize(1,1)) depth -= 1 root.addChild(item) item.treeWidgetChanged() for ch in param: self.addParameters(ch, root=item, depth=depth+1)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all parameters from the tree. """ self.invisibleRootItem().takeChildren()
[docs] def focusNext(self, item, forward=True): """Give input focus to the next (or previous) item after *item* """ while True: parent = item.parent() if parent is None: return nextItem = self.nextFocusableChild(parent, item, forward=forward) if nextItem is not None: nextItem.setFocus() self.setCurrentItem(nextItem) return item = parent
def focusPrevious(self, item): self.focusNext(item, forward=False) def nextFocusableChild(self, root, startItem=None, forward=True): if startItem is None: if forward: index = 0 else: index = root.childCount()-1 else: if forward: index = root.indexOfChild(startItem) + 1 else: index = root.indexOfChild(startItem) - 1 if forward: inds = list(range(index, root.childCount())) else: inds = list(range(index, -1, -1)) for i in inds: item = root.child(i) if hasattr(item, 'isFocusable') and item.isFocusable(): return item else: item = self.nextFocusableChild(item, forward=forward) if item is not None: return item return None def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): item = self.currentItem() if hasattr(item, 'contextMenuEvent'): item.contextMenuEvent(ev) def _updatePalette(self, palette: QtGui.QPalette) -> None: app = mkQApp() # Docs say to use the following methods # QApplication.instance().styleHints().colorScheme() == QtCore.Qt.ColorScheme.Dark # but on macOS with Qt 6.7 this is giving opposite results (says color sceme is light # when it is dark and vice versa). This was not observed in the ExampleApp, but was # observed with the ParameterTree. We fall back to the "legacy" method of determining # if the color theme is dark or light from QPalette windowTextLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText).lightness() windowLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Window).lightness() darkMode = windowTextLightness > windowLightness app.setProperty('darkMode', darkMode) for group in [ QtGui.QPalette.ColorGroup.Disabled, QtGui.QPalette.ColorGroup.Active, QtGui.QPalette.ColorGroup.Inactive ]: baseColor = palette.color( group, QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base ) if"darkMode"): alternateColor = baseColor.lighter(180) else: alternateColor = baseColor.darker(110) # apparently colors are transparent here by default! alternateColor.setAlpha(255) palette.setColor( group, QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.AlternateBase, alternateColor ) self.setPalette(palette) return None def event(self, event: QtCore.QEvent) -> bool: if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.FontChange: for item in self.listAllItems(): if isinstance(item, GroupParameterItem): item.updateDepth(item.depth) elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.ApplicationPaletteChange: app = mkQApp() self._updatePalette(app.palette()) elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.PaletteChange: # For Windows to effectively change all the rows we # need to catch QEvent.Type.PaletteChange event as well self._updatePalette(self.palette()) return super().event(event) def itemChangedEvent(self, item, col): if hasattr(item, 'columnChangedEvent'): item.columnChangedEvent(col) def itemExpandedEvent(self, item): if hasattr(item, 'expandedChangedEvent'): item.expandedChangedEvent(True) def itemCollapsedEvent(self, item): if hasattr(item, 'expandedChangedEvent'): item.expandedChangedEvent(False) def selectionChanged(self, *args): sel = self.selectedItems() if len(sel) != 1: sel = None if self.lastSel is not None and isinstance(self.lastSel, ParameterItem): self.lastSel.selected(False) if sel is None: self.lastSel = None return self.lastSel = sel[0] if hasattr(sel[0], 'selected'): sel[0].selected(True) return super().selectionChanged(*args) # commented out due to being unreliable # def wheelEvent(self, ev): # self.clearSelection() # return super().wheelEvent(ev) def sizeHint(self): w, h = 0, 0 ind = self.indentation() for x in self.listAllItems(): if x.isHidden(): continue try: depth = x.depth except AttributeError: depth = 0 s0 = x.sizeHint(0) s1 = x.sizeHint(1) w = max(w, depth * ind + max(0, s0.width()) + max(0, s1.width())) h += max(0, s0.height(), s1.height()) # typ = x.param.opts['type'] if isinstance(x, ParameterItem) else x # print(typ, depth * ind, (s0.width(), s0.height()), (s1.width(), s1.height()), (w, h)) # todo: find out if this alternative can be made to work (currently fails when color or colormap are present) # print('custom', (w, h)) # w = self.sizeHintForColumn(0) + self.sizeHintForColumn(1) # h = self.viewportSizeHint().height() # print('alternative', (w, h)) if not self.header().isHidden(): h += self.header().height() return QtCore.QSize(w, h)