Source code for pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PColorMeshItem

import numpy as np

from .. import Qt, colormap
from .. import functions as fn
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject

__all__ = ['PColorMeshItem']

class QuadInstances:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nrows = -1
        self.ncols = -1
        self.pointsarray = Qt.internals.PrimitiveArray(QtCore.QPointF, 2)
        self.resize(0, 0)

    def resize(self, nrows, ncols):
        if nrows == self.nrows and ncols == self.ncols:

        self.nrows = nrows
        self.ncols = ncols

        # (nrows + 1) * (ncols + 1) vertices, (x, y)
        points = self.pointsarray.instances()
        # points is a flattened list of a 2d array of
        # QPointF(s) of shape (nrows+1, ncols+1)

        # pre-create quads from those instances of QPointF(s).
        # store the quads as a flattened list of a 2d array
        # of polygons of shape (nrows, ncols)
        polys = []
        for r in range(nrows):
            for c in range(ncols):
                bl = points[(r+0)*(ncols+1)+(c+0)]
                tl = points[(r+0)*(ncols+1)+(c+1)]
                br = points[(r+1)*(ncols+1)+(c+0)]
                tr = points[(r+1)*(ncols+1)+(c+1)]
                poly = (bl, br, tr, tl)
        self.polys = polys

    def ndarray(self):
        return self.pointsarray.ndarray()

    def instances(self):
        return self.polys

[docs] class PColorMeshItem(GraphicsObject): """ **Bases:** :class:`GraphicsObject <pyqtgraph.GraphicsObject>` """ sigLevelsChanged = QtCore.Signal(object) # emits tuple with levels (low,high) when color levels are changed.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a pseudocolor plot with convex polygons. Call signature: ``PColorMeshItem([x, y,] z, **kwargs)`` x and y can be used to specify the corners of the quadrilaterals. z must be used to specified to color of the quadrilaterals. Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray, optional, default None 2D array containing the coordinates of the polygons z : np.ndarray 2D array containing the value which will be mapped into the polygons colors. If x and y is None, the polygons will be displaced on a grid otherwise x and y will be used as polygons vertices coordinates as:: (x[i+1, j], y[i+1, j]) (x[i+1, j+1], y[i+1, j+1]) +---------+ | z[i, j] | +---------+ (x[i, j], y[i, j]) (x[i, j+1], y[i, j+1]) "ASCII from: <>". colorMap : pyqtgraph.ColorMap Colormap used to map the z value to colors. default ``pyqtgraph.colormap.get('viridis')`` levels: tuple, optional, default None Sets the minimum and maximum values to be represented by the colormap (min, max). Values outside this range will be clipped to the colors representing min or max. ``None`` disables the limits, meaning that the colormap will autoscale the next time ``setData()`` is called with new data. enableAutoLevels: bool, optional, default True Causes the colormap levels to autoscale whenever ``setData()`` is called. It is possible to override this value on a per-change-basis by using the ``autoLevels`` keyword argument when calling ``setData()``. If ``enableAutoLevels==False`` and ``levels==None``, autoscaling will be performed once when the first z data is supplied. edgecolors : dict, optional The color of the edges of the polygons. Default None means no edges. Only cosmetic pens are supported. The dict may contains any arguments accepted by :func:`mkColor() <pyqtgraph.mkColor>`. Example: ``mkPen(color='w', width=2)`` antialiasing : bool, default False Whether to draw edgelines with antialiasing. Note that if edgecolors is None, antialiasing is always False. """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.qpicture = None ## rendered picture for display self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self._dataBounds = None self.edgecolors = kwargs.get('edgecolors', None) if self.edgecolors is not None: self.edgecolors = fn.mkPen(self.edgecolors) # force the pen to be cosmetic. see discussion in # self.edgecolors.setCosmetic(True) self.antialiasing = kwargs.get('antialiasing', False) self.levels = kwargs.get('levels', None) self._defaultAutoLevels = kwargs.get('enableAutoLevels', True) if 'colorMap' in kwargs: cmap = kwargs.get('colorMap') if not isinstance(cmap, colormap.ColorMap): raise ValueError('colorMap argument must be a ColorMap instance') self.cmap = cmap else: self.cmap = colormap.get('viridis') self.lut_qcolor = self.cmap.getLookupTable(nPts=256, mode=self.cmap.QCOLOR) self.quads = QuadInstances() # If some data have been sent we directly display it if len(args)>0: self.setData(*args)
def _prepareData(self, args): """ Check the shape of the data. Return a set of 2d array x, y, z ready to be used to draw the picture. """ # User didn't specified data if len(args)==0: self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self._dataBounds = None # User only specified z elif len(args)==1: # If x and y is None, the polygons will be displaced on a grid x = np.arange(0, args[0].shape[0]+1, 1) y = np.arange(0, args[0].shape[1]+1, 1) self.x, self.y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') self.z = args[0] self._dataBounds = ((x[0], x[-1]), (y[0], y[-1])) # User specified x, y, z elif len(args)==3: # Shape checking if args[0].shape[0] != args[2].shape[0]+1 or args[0].shape[1] != args[2].shape[1]+1: raise ValueError('The dimension of x should be one greater than the one of z') if args[1].shape[0] != args[2].shape[0]+1 or args[1].shape[1] != args[2].shape[1]+1: raise ValueError('The dimension of y should be one greater than the one of z') self.x = args[0] self.y = args[1] self.z = args[2] xmn, xmx = np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x) ymn, ymx = np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y) self._dataBounds = ((xmn, xmx), (ymn, ymx)) else: raise ValueError('Data must been sent as (z) or (x, y, z)')
[docs] def setData(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the data to be drawn. Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray, optional, default None 2D array containing the coordinates of the polygons z : np.ndarray 2D array containing the value which will be mapped into the polygons colors. If x and y is None, the polygons will be displaced on a grid otherwise x and y will be used as polygons vertices coordinates as:: (x[i+1, j], y[i+1, j]) (x[i+1, j+1], y[i+1, j+1]) +---------+ | z[i, j] | +---------+ (x[i, j], y[i, j]) (x[i, j+1], y[i, j+1]) "ASCII from: < matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh.html>". autoLevels: bool, optional If set, overrides the value of ``enableAutoLevels`` """ old_bounds = self._dataBounds self._prepareData(args) boundsChanged = old_bounds != self._dataBounds self._rerender( autoLevels=kwargs.get('autoLevels', self._defaultAutoLevels) ) if boundsChanged: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.informViewBoundsChanged() self.update()
def _rerender(self, *, autoLevels): self.qpicture = None if self.z is not None: if (self.levels is None) or autoLevels: # Autoscale colormap z_min = self.z.min() z_max = self.z.max() self.setLevels( (z_min, z_max), update=False) self.qpicture = self._drawPicture() def _drawPicture(self) -> QtGui.QPicture: # on entry, the following members are all valid: x, y, z, levels # this function does not alter any state (besides using self.quads) picture = QtGui.QPicture() painter = QtGui.QPainter(picture) # We set the pen of all polygons once if self.edgecolors is None: painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.NoPen) else: painter.setPen(self.edgecolors) if self.antialiasing: painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing) ## Prepare colormap # First we get the LookupTable lut = self.lut_qcolor # Second we associate each z value, that we normalize, to the lut scale = len(lut) - 1 lo, hi = self.levels[0], self.levels[1] rng = hi - lo if rng == 0: rng = 1 norm = fn.rescaleData(self.z, scale / rng, lo, dtype=int, clip=(0, len(lut)-1)) if Qt.QT_LIB.startswith('PyQt'): drawConvexPolygon = lambda x : painter.drawConvexPolygon(*x) else: drawConvexPolygon = painter.drawConvexPolygon self.quads.resize(self.z.shape[0], self.z.shape[1]) memory = self.quads.ndarray() memory[..., 0] = self.x.ravel() memory[..., 1] = self.y.ravel() polys = self.quads.instances() # group indices of same coloridx together color_indices, counts = np.unique(norm, return_counts=True) sorted_indices = np.argsort(norm, axis=None) offset = 0 for coloridx, cnt in zip(color_indices, counts): indices = sorted_indices[offset:offset+cnt] offset += cnt painter.setBrush(lut[coloridx]) for idx in indices: drawConvexPolygon(polys[idx]) painter.end() return picture
[docs] def setLevels(self, levels, update=True): """ Sets color-scaling levels for the mesh. Parameters ---------- levels: tuple ``(low, high)`` sets the range for which values can be represented in the colormap. update: bool, optional Controls if mesh immediately updates to reflect the new color levels. """ self.levels = levels self.sigLevelsChanged.emit(levels) if update: self._rerender(autoLevels=False) self.update()
[docs] def getLevels(self): """ Returns a tuple containing the current level settings. See :func:`~setLevels`. The format is ``(low, high)``. """ return self.levels
def setLookupTable(self, lut, update=True): self.cmap = None # invalidate since no longer consistent with lut self.lut_qcolor = lut[:] if update: self._rerender(autoLevels=False) self.update() def getColorMap(self): return self.cmap def setColorMap(self, cmap): self.setLookupTable(cmap.getLookupTable(nPts=256, mode=cmap.QCOLOR), update=True) self.cmap = cmap def enableAutoLevels(self): self._defaultAutoLevels = True def disableAutoLevels(self): self._defaultAutoLevels = False def paint(self, p, *args): if self.qpicture is not None: p.drawPicture(0, 0, self.qpicture) def width(self): if self._dataBounds is None: return 0 bounds = self._dataBounds[0] return bounds[1]-bounds[0] def height(self): if self._dataBounds is None: return 0 bounds = self._dataBounds[1] return bounds[1]-bounds[0] def dataBounds(self, ax, frac=1.0, orthoRange=None): if self._dataBounds is None: return (None, None) return self._dataBounds[ax] def pixelPadding(self): # pen is known to be cosmetic pen = self.edgecolors no_pen = (pen is None) or ( == QtCore.Qt.PenStyle.NoPen) return 0 if no_pen else (pen.widthF() or 1) * 0.5 def boundingRect(self): xmn, xmx = self.dataBounds(ax=0) if xmn is None or xmx is None: return QtCore.QRectF() ymn, ymx = self.dataBounds(ax=1) if ymn is None or ymx is None: return QtCore.QRectF() px = py = 0 pxPad = self.pixelPadding() if pxPad > 0: # determine length of pixel in local x, y directions px, py = self.pixelVectors() px = 0 if px is None else px.length() py = 0 if py is None else py.length() # return bounds expanded by pixel size px *= pxPad py *= pxPad return QtCore.QRectF(xmn-px, ymn-py, (2*px)+xmx-xmn, (2*py)+ymx-ymn)