Source code for pyqtgraph.Qt

This module exists to smooth out some of the differences between Qt versions.

* Automatically import Qt lib depending on availability
* Allow you to import QtCore/QtGui from pyqtgraph.Qt without specifying which Qt wrapper
  you want to use.
import contextlib
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import warnings
from importlib import resources

PYSIDE = 'PySide'
PYSIDE2 = 'PySide2'
PYSIDE6 = 'PySide6'
PYQT4 = 'PyQt4'
PYQT5 = 'PyQt5'
PYQT6 = 'PyQt6'

QT_LIB = os.getenv('PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB')

if QT_LIB is not None:
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"Environment variable PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB is set to '{os.getenv('PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB')}', but no module with this name was found.")

## Automatically determine which Qt package to use (unless specified by
## environment variable).
## This is done by first checking to see whether one of the libraries
## is already imported. If not, then attempt to import in the order
## specified in libOrder.
if QT_LIB is None:
    libOrder = [PYQT6, PYSIDE6, PYQT5, PYSIDE2]

    for lib in libOrder:
        if lib in sys.modules:
            QT_LIB = lib

if QT_LIB is None:
    for lib in libOrder:
        qt = lib + '.QtCore'
            QT_LIB = lib
        except ImportError:

if QT_LIB is None:
    raise ImportError("PyQtGraph requires one of PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2 or PySide6; none of these packages could be imported.")

class FailedImport(object):
    """Used to defer ImportErrors until we are sure the module is needed.
    def __init__(self, err):
        self.err = err
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        raise self.err

# Make a loadUiType function like PyQt has

# Credit:

class _StringIO(object):
    """Alternative to built-in StringIO needed to circumvent unicode/ascii issues"""
    def __init__(self): = []
    def write(self, data):
    def getvalue(self):
        return ''.join(map(str,'utf8')

def _loadUiType(uiFile):
    PySide lacks a "loadUiType" command like PyQt4's, so we have to convert
    the ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a
    special frame to retrieve the form_class.

    from stackoverflow:

    seems like this might also be a legitimate solution, but I'm not sure
    how to make PyQt4 and pyside look the same...

    pyside2uic = None
    if QT_LIB == PYSIDE2:
            import pyside2uic
        except ImportError:
            # later versions of pyside2 have dropped pyside2uic; use the uic binary instead.
            pyside2uic = None

        if pyside2uic is None:
            pyside2version = tuple(map(int, PySide2.__version__.split(".")))
            if (5, 14) <= pyside2version < (5, 14, 2, 2):
                warnings.warn('For UI compilation, it is recommended to upgrade to PySide >= 5.15', RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)

    # get class names from ui file
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    # convert ui file to python code
    if pyside2uic is None:
        uic_executable = QT_LIB.lower() + '-uic'
        uipy = subprocess.check_output([uic_executable, uiFile])
        o = _StringIO()
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        uipy = o.getvalue()

    # execute python code
    pyc = compile(uipy, '<string>', 'exec')
    frame = {}
    exec(pyc, frame)

    # fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
    form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
    base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s'%widget_class)

    return form_class, base_class

# For historical reasons, pyqtgraph maintains a Qt4-ish interface back when
# there wasn't a QtWidgets module. This _was_ done by monkey-patching all of
# QtWidgets into the QtGui module. This monkey-patching modifies QtGui at a
# global level.
# To avoid this, we now maintain a local "mirror" of QtCore, QtGui and QtWidgets.
# Thus, when monkey-patching happens later on in this file, they will only affect
# the local modules and not the global modules.
def _copy_attrs(src, dst):
    for o in dir(src):
        if not hasattr(dst, o):
            setattr(dst, o, getattr(src, o))

from . import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, compat

if QT_LIB == PYQT5:
    # We're using PyQt5 which has a different structure so we're going to use a shim to
    # recreate the Qt4 structure for Qt5
    import PyQt5.QtCore
    import PyQt5.QtGui
    import PyQt5.QtWidgets
    _copy_attrs(PyQt5.QtCore, QtCore)
    _copy_attrs(PyQt5.QtGui, QtGui)
    _copy_attrs(PyQt5.QtWidgets, QtWidgets)

        from PyQt5 import sip
    except ImportError:
        # some Linux distros package it this way (e.g. Ubuntu)
        import sip
    from PyQt5 import uic

        from PyQt5 import QtSvg
    except ImportError as err:
        QtSvg = FailedImport(err)
        from PyQt5 import QtTest
    except ImportError as err:
        QtTest = FailedImport(err)


elif QT_LIB == PYQT6:
    import PyQt6.QtCore
    import PyQt6.QtGui
    import PyQt6.QtWidgets
    _copy_attrs(PyQt6.QtCore, QtCore)
    _copy_attrs(PyQt6.QtGui, QtGui)
    _copy_attrs(PyQt6.QtWidgets, QtWidgets)

    from PyQt6 import sip, uic

        from PyQt6 import QtSvg
    except ImportError as err:
        QtSvg = FailedImport(err)
        from PyQt6 import QtOpenGLWidgets
    except ImportError as err:
        QtOpenGLWidgets = FailedImport(err)
        from PyQt6 import QtTest
    except ImportError as err:
        QtTest = FailedImport(err)


elif QT_LIB == PYSIDE2:
    import PySide2.QtCore
    import PySide2.QtGui
    import PySide2.QtWidgets
    _copy_attrs(PySide2.QtCore, QtCore)
    _copy_attrs(PySide2.QtGui, QtGui)
    _copy_attrs(PySide2.QtWidgets, QtWidgets)
        from PySide2 import QtSvg
    except ImportError as err:
        QtSvg = FailedImport(err)
        from PySide2 import QtTest
    except ImportError as err:
        QtTest = FailedImport(err)

    import PySide2
    import shiboken2 as shiboken
    VERSION_INFO = 'PySide2 ' + PySide2.__version__ + ' Qt ' + QtCore.__version__
elif QT_LIB == PYSIDE6:
    import PySide6.QtCore
    import PySide6.QtGui
    import PySide6.QtWidgets
    _copy_attrs(PySide6.QtCore, QtCore)
    _copy_attrs(PySide6.QtGui, QtGui)
    _copy_attrs(PySide6.QtWidgets, QtWidgets)

        from PySide6 import QtSvg
    except ImportError as err:
        QtSvg = FailedImport(err)
        from PySide6 import QtOpenGLWidgets
    except ImportError as err:
        QtOpenGLWidgets = FailedImport(err)
        from PySide6 import QtTest
    except ImportError as err:
        QtTest = FailedImport(err)

    import PySide6
    import shiboken6 as shiboken
    VERSION_INFO = 'PySide6 ' + PySide6.__version__ + ' Qt ' + QtCore.__version__

    raise ValueError("Invalid Qt lib '%s'" % QT_LIB)

if QT_LIB in [PYQT6, PYSIDE6]:
    # We're using Qt6 which has a different structure so we're going to use a shim to
    # recreate the Qt5 structure

    if not isinstance(QtOpenGLWidgets, FailedImport):
        QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget = QtOpenGLWidgets.QOpenGLWidget

    # PySide6 incorrectly placed QFileSystemModel inside QtWidgets
    if QT_LIB == PYSIDE6 and hasattr(QtWidgets, 'QFileSystemModel'):
        module = getattr(QtWidgets, "QFileSystemModel")
        setattr(QtGui, "QFileSystemModel", module)

    # Shim Qt5 namespace to match Qt6
    module_whitelist = [
    for module in module_whitelist:
        attr = getattr(QtWidgets, module)
        setattr(QtGui, module, attr)

# Common to PySide2 and PySide6
    QtVersion = QtCore.__version__
    loadUiType = _loadUiType
    isQObjectAlive = shiboken.isValid

    # PySide does not implement qWait
    if not isinstance(QtTest, FailedImport):
        if not hasattr(QtTest.QTest, 'qWait'):
            def qWait(msec):
                start = time.time()
                while time.time() < start + msec * 0.001:
            QtTest.QTest.qWait = qWait

    compat.wrapinstance = shiboken.wrapInstance
    compat.unwrapinstance = lambda x : shiboken.getCppPointer(x)[0]
    compat.voidptr = shiboken.VoidPtr

# Common to PyQt5 and PyQt6
if QT_LIB in [PYQT5, PYQT6]:
    QtVersion = QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR

    # PyQt, starting in v5.5, calls qAbort when an exception is raised inside
    # a slot. To maintain backward compatibility (and sanity for interactive
    # users), we install a global exception hook to override this behavior.
    if sys.excepthook == sys.__excepthook__:
        sys_excepthook = sys.excepthook
        def pyqt_qabort_override(*args, **kwds):
            return sys_excepthook(*args, **kwds)
        sys.excepthook = pyqt_qabort_override
    def isQObjectAlive(obj):
        return not sip.isdeleted(obj)
    loadUiType = uic.loadUiType

    QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal

    compat.wrapinstance = sip.wrapinstance
    compat.unwrapinstance = sip.unwrapinstance
    compat.voidptr = sip.voidptr

from . import internals

# Alert user if using Qt < 5.15, but do not raise exception
versionReq = [5, 15]
m = re.match(r'(\d+)\.(\d+).*', QtVersion)
if m is not None and list(map(int, m.groups())) < versionReq:
        f"PyQtGraph supports Qt version >= {versionReq[0]}.{versionReq[1]},"
        f" but {QtVersion} detected.",

App = QtWidgets.QApplication
# subclassing QApplication causes segfaults on PySide{2, 6} / Python 3.8.7+

QAPP = None
[docs] def mkQApp(name=None): """ Creates new QApplication or returns current instance if existing. ============== ======================================================== **Arguments:** name (str) Application name, passed to Qt ============== ======================================================== """ global QAPP QAPP = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() if QAPP is None: # We do not have an already instantiated QApplication # let's add some sane defaults # hidpi handling qtVersionCompare = tuple(map(int, QtVersion.split("."))) if qtVersionCompare > (6, 0): # Qt6 seems to support hidpi without needing to do anything so continue pass elif qtVersionCompare > (5, 14): os.environ["QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING"] = "1" QtWidgets.QApplication.setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy( QtCore.Qt.HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy.PassThrough ) else: # qt 5.12 and 5.13 QtWidgets.QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) QtWidgets.QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) QAPP = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv or ["pyqtgraph"]) if QtVersion.startswith("6"): # issues with dark mode + windows + qt5 QAPP.setStyle("fusion") # set the application icon # python 3.9 won't take "pyqtgraph.icons.peegee" directly traverse_path = resources.files("pyqtgraph.icons") peegee_traverse_path = traverse_path.joinpath("peegee") # as_file requires I feed in a file from the directory... with resources.as_file( peegee_traverse_path.joinpath("peegee.svg") ) as path: # need the parent directory, not the filepath icon_path = path.parent applicationIcon = QtGui.QIcon() applicationIcon.addFile( os.fsdecode(icon_path / "peegee.svg"), ) for sz in [128, 256, 512]: pathname = os.fsdecode(icon_path / f"peegee_{sz}px.png") applicationIcon.addFile(pathname, QtCore.QSize(sz, sz)) # handles the icon showing up on the windows taskbar if platform.system() == 'Windows': import ctypes my_app_id = "pyqtgraph.Qt.mkQApp" ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(my_app_id) QAPP.setWindowIcon(applicationIcon) # determine if dark mode try: # this only works in Qt 6.5+ darkMode = QAPP.styleHints().colorScheme() == QtCore.Qt.ColorScheme.Dark with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): # some qt bindings raise a TypeError when using a UniqueConnection # to an already connected signal/slot QAPP.styleHints().colorSchemeChanged.connect( _onColorSchemeChange, type=QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.UniqueConnection ) except AttributeError: palette = QAPP.palette() windowTextLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText).lightness() windowLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Window).lightness() darkMode = windowTextLightness > windowLightness with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): # some qt bindings raise a TypeError when using a UniqueConnection # to an already connected signal/slot QAPP.paletteChanged.connect( _onPaletteChange, type=QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.UniqueConnection ) QAPP.setProperty("darkMode", darkMode) if name is not None: QAPP.setApplicationName(name) return QAPP
def _onPaletteChange(palette): # Attempt to keep darkMode attribute up to date # QEvent.Type.PaletteChanged/ApplicationPaletteChanged will be emitted after # paletteChanged.emit()! # Using API deprecated in Qt 6.0 app = mkQApp() windowTextLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText).lightness() windowLightness = palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Window).lightness() darkMode = windowTextLightness > windowLightness app.setProperty('darkMode', darkMode) def _onColorSchemeChange(colorScheme): # Attempt to keep darkMode attribute up to date # QEvent.Type.PaletteChanged/ApplicationPaletteChanged will be emitted before # QStyleHint().colorSchemeChanged.emit()! # Uses Qt 6.5+ API app = mkQApp() darkMode = colorScheme == QtCore.Qt.ColorScheme.Dark app.setProperty('darkMode', darkMode) # exec() is used within _loadUiType, so we define as exec_() here and rename in pg namespace def exec_(): app = mkQApp() return app.exec() if hasattr(app, 'exec') else app.exec_()